National Family Mediation Services

Our Services

Family Mediation

Family Mediation – Are you tired of fighting? Unable to agree on the kids or finances? National Family Mediation provides a safe, private place for couples to settle their family disputes without arguing or getting upset. In many cases, family mediation can turn an ending into a fresh start.

National Family Mediation Services are for people whose relationships have ended and need to make decisions about all aspects of their family life. This service is an alternative way to resolve conflicts with ex-partners.

family mediation

Shuttle Mediation


Mediation, such as Face To Face or Shuttle Mediation, is vital for resolving disputes and helping families reach agreements. It saves time, money, and effort for couples and family members.

Your National Family Mediation Service team supports communication between conflicting parties so they can achieve a peaceful resolution. This approach can help avoid costly and harmful court battles.


After separation or divorce, people often have disputes over finances. However, we have found that many of these issues can be resolved through mediation sessions with an impartial person. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method.

We provide support to everyone involved in the finance disputes process without taking sides, which helps us maintain our impartiality.

Family disputes involving finances can be highly volatile and difficult to resolve without the assistance of a professional mediator.


The first step in the mediation process is MIAMS. When families find themselves in a dispute or crisis, they often consider taking the matter to court.

Legal proceedings, like divorce, separation, and inheritance, can sometimes be unavoidable. In certain cases, you may be eligible for legal aid to help with the costs of mediation. A specially qualified family mediator will be assigned to you.

Looking to resolve Family Issues? Our most frequently asked mediation questions are below.